Friday, January 16, 2009

Water Froze!

Our pipes are frozen. Again. This is the second time this winter that the pipes have frozen. I really have NO idea how this could have happened. Can ANYONE think of why MY pipes froze?

OH! Cause of that? Really? After the first time they froze, nothing was done and they froze again. And SOMEONE was actually surprised this morning! I told him yesterday that last night was going to be VERY, VERY cold. They were calling for around 9 degrees overnight. I asked him, Should we do anything so that the pipes don't freeze again? Nope, they'll be fine. Silly me, I thought that possibly he had done some work that I was unaware of. Guess not. I came in from the office this morning to him trying to thaw our water so he could shower. When I mentioned the conversation from last night, I got "I thought they would be fine." Really? WHY? It was ridiculously cold and nothing was done to protect them. Why would they be fine? It's been almost 16 years. When will he learn to listen to me?

It's 12:30 and there is still no water. I can't do laundry. If the kids are going to PA tonight, they might need some clean clothes to take with them!


ddg's grandma said...

Maybe he should think about fixing the problem. Did he think of that?

aunt una said...

HMM hole in floor? 9 degrees, gets cold in house. Fix hole cold stays out, heat stays in, able to take shower. Don't have to use hairdryer to unfreeze pipes, use hair dryer to dry hair ;-)

Mom of Dippy, Dingy & Goofy said...

Carlos is my new hero. He filled in the hole with some insulation then closed it all up. And guess what....I have water this morning! Imagine that!

Also, Dumbledork NEVER reads the blog. But he saw THIS post!

aunt una said...


ddg's grandma said...

Yeah for Carlos!!!! Finally something at your house got fixed!

aunt una said...

Carlos,Carlos he's our man if he can't do it no one can!! Yeah Carlos.