Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Day For Scaring

Today was the day to be scared in our house. Or van. I had to take the membership files for our Cub Scout Pack to the new Membership Chair this evening. (Yay! I am officially DONE! I am merely a parent for the last month of Cub Scouts!) Dumbledork and Dippy went along because we were going to Circuit City after dropping the files off. Dippy stayed in the van while we went into the school and talked to some people. When we got back in the van he told us of his 'adventures' while we were gone.

He said that he laid down to sleep while we were in there. (He had a headache at dinnertime.) He laid the whole seat back and closed his eyes. Then he heard something moving. He looked down and saw a red/green thing roll across the floor and it made him think of the movie, The Uninvited. (No, I did not let him see a scary movie, he only saw the preview on tv.) He screamed. Turns out it was just a green and red cup that the kids got at Denny's last week. (They're really cool cups, not at all scary really.....unless they come rolling out at you in a dark van!) He didn't even get too mad at us when Dumbledork and I laughed our heads off at him screaming at his cup rolling out from under the seat! But really, I'm almost sorry I missed the screaming!

This part is for Aunt Una. Many of you probably know about the horrible childhood she had due to Dumbledork. He did many, many things just to scare her. He hid under her blankets on her bed so that when she jumped into bed he grabbed her. He hid in the clothes hamper and jumped out at her when she put her clothes in. Then he.....well, I think you see how her early years were spent! But today, I got him back! A little. It is really, really hard to get him, too. But I did it and I dedicate it to you, Aunt Una. He was taking a shower this morning and I snuck in the bathroom. I must have been real quiet today cause he usually knows when I go in. So I stood there very still and very quiet until he shut the water off. As soon as he grabbed the shower curtain to open it, I screamed. He JUMPED!! VERY visibly jumped!


aunt una said...

I am bowing down to the Goddess. See, the people that DON'T know my childhood, due to my lovely brother, I am deathly afraid of the dark(even at the ripe age of 33) snakes and VERY clausterphobic!!! I will give you all a moment to visualize why these fears might do you know why?

So thank you for giving me the visual of Dumbledork jumping and probably deer in headlights look.

Mom of Dippy, Dingy & Goofy said...

I knew you would enjoy that. I really really want to try waking him up with a loud crash or scream. But I know he will get even for that so I haven't tried it. Yet.