Monday, January 19, 2009

Another Dingy Thought

The whole Power Puff Girl thing made me think about something else. What was Dingy's favorite toy when she was little? A Cassie doll. From Dragon Tales. She had that thing from age 4?'s probably still in her room. She slept with it every night! She had it with her the night our keys got locked in the car on our way up for Thanksgiving. (No, I will not say I locked the keys in the car.....the kids got out the wrong door.) Anyway, while we were waiting for the lock guy to come, Dingy was sitting there being all sad and said something to the effect that she would miss her Cassie. I guess in her little mind (She was either 4 or 5) if you lock your keys in your car, you abandon it and move on!

But here's the weird thought I had. Who's her best friend now? Yep. Cassie! Although this Cassie is a real person and not a cartoon dragon. (Unless she's really good at disguises.) AND--on Dragon Tales, Cassie is the oldest of how many kids? I really can't remember as I haven't really watched Dragon Tales in years, I just remember there being a bunch of kids and Cassie always had to babysit them. Dingy's real friend Cassie--3rd of 10 kids.

The dragon Cassie is 4 years old. Why is a 4 year old going to school and babysitting? I'm sure the 'real' Cassie wasn't babysitting at 4!

I just realized, I really have no point and no way to wrap this all up! Sorry. I've only had Dumbledork around to talk to this weekend. I think Dingy and Dippy must count more towards 'adult conversation' than he does!


ddg's grandma said...

Sounds like you must miss your kids, is that possible? We had Dippy and Goofy and first thing Dippy did was find our remote that has been lost since they were here for Christmas. Even if he hadn't found it we would have been glad to see him.

Cassie said...

That's another thing me and tiya have in common! When I was little I LOVED Dragon Tales and the dragon Cassie!!!! :)

Mom of Dippy, Dingy & Goofy said...

I wish he would find ours! We've been sharing one between the bedroom and the livingroom for MONTHS!

Cassie--are you SURE you want to compare yourself to Tiya? She's really weird, you know.