Tuesday, September 2, 2008

It's OPEN!!

I've been watching them build this all summer. It's finally ready for me! It was GOOD, too! (Dippy wanted to go out for ice cream to celebrate the first day of school.)


ddg's grandma said...

Is that a Baskin Robbins? How close to your house?

Mom of Dippy, Dingy & Goofy said...

That is not JUST a Baskin Robbins. That's a Baskin Robbins AND Dunkin Donuts all in one! Donut for dinner, ice cream for dessert! NOW do you want to come visit? And it is SOOOO close. It's right by the post office.

ddg's grandma said...

Wow, your life is complete now!

Mom of Dippy, Dingy & Goofy said...

HOw sad for me that it took THIS to make it complete!

aunt una said...

You can keep the doughnuts and I am not much of an ice cream person but Baskin Robins is a good place when you do want ice cream. That was were Uncle E and I went for our first date when it was in Clarion. I love to look at all the flavors.