Thursday, November 6, 2008


Seriously, does no one EVER watch this kid? Here's a nice handprint on our desk.

And here's the little hands that made it! I have been in the office with him the whole time! I have no idea how he got the stamper out of the drawer beside me! I couldn't get the camera to focus well enough but in person, I can see the Deposit to Account info on his palm. That's how I knew what he had gotten into!


ddg's grandma said...

Could you maybe pay a little bit of attention to your son? I know I wasn't a great Mother but you guys did not do stuff like that!!!

Mom of Dippy, Dingy & Goofy said...

I do pay a LITTLE attention. And we got into stuff that you just NEVER found out about. AND--what about the time I had a hammer dropped on my head and I was bleeding profusely and you didn't even hang up the phone??!!?? I had blood gushing and you just kept talking while you sort of cleaned it up! At least the time Dingy came in all beat up for her bicycle accident, I hung up the phone to take care of her.

ddg's grandma said...

I took care of you didn't I? You weren't even crying. Kyle was crying because he dropped the hammer on your head and thought he would be in trouble.

Melanie Welanie said...

Quite a busy boy he is! Hmm...that sounded a little Yoda-like. Can't help it, I'm a nerd.

aunt una said...

I bet you even had the yoda accent in your head when you wrote it didn't you??

Melanie Welanie said...

Aw man, I AM a nerd!!

Mom of Dippy, Dingy & Goofy said...

Sorry Melanie. I didn't want to tell you that, but.....nerd!

And Grandma, I bet little cry baby favorite child DIDN'T get yelled at either, did he?