Friday, November 14, 2008

Dingy's Day

Dingy FINALLY got her hair cut the way she wanted it.


ddg's grandma said...

I like your hair, now I want to see it the way you are going to wear it when you aren't so happy. It is pretty though.

Mom of Dippy, Dingy & Goofy said...

Are you trying to say that she ISN'T always this happy?

ddg's grandma said...

I have seen her without the smile and a disgusted look quite often. I like the smile much better. I had a call from Dippy that his other Grandma thought he should come visit me. Maybe I'll see him.

Mom of Dippy, Dingy & Goofy said... his other Grandma tired of him?

ddg's grandma said...

Maybe he's really bugging her about the $100. He called me back to tell me how much he will have and maybe is going to get a dirt bike. You know how he is when he starts talking about what he is getting. My one conversation with him the other night was all about different Ipods and MP3 Players. He was on the internet and I was listening.

Melanie Welanie said...

Nice haircut. Very flowy. :)