Sunday, March 1, 2009

Poor Dingy.....

I think I upset Dingy. I didn't really mean to. We ate supper this evening...a real know, chicken, mashed potatoes, broccoli. Not even an hour later, I see Dingy sitting on the couch eating leftover pizza! Everytime I turn around now she is eating! I told her she was going to need to get on the treadmill or stay active somehow if she was going to keep eating like that. I told her she was going to start looking more like ME than the way she does now. She said, "I don't want to look like offense." So I said, "I don't want you to either, but I was as little as you until, I don't know, SEVENTH GRADE!" I think she put the pizza back. I didn't mean for her to put her food away. Now I probably caused her to have an eating disorder. I was merely saying she needed to stay active...not stop eating. (but I think she called me that what y'all are thinking, too?)


ddg's grandma said...

Way to go Mom!! Let her alone, she's active enough and you were still thin when you graduated. Marriage was hard on you and having kids, plus heredity!

Tiya said...

It was kinda mean to say but I can see why ah said and mom remember when you said to dad that you were a city girl and not a country girl I think you just proved that you are a counry "gal" hahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhaha! I will have this over you forever!!!!!hahahahahazhahahhahahahahahahahahahaahahhahah