Thursday, March 5, 2009

No Birthday

It's almost 30 days until Dingy's birthday. We've decided we're not ready for a teenager in the house. Dingy's birthday is being cancelled this year. We'll go straight from April 7 to April 9. There. Problem solved. She'll stay this age forever.

I guess that probably won't work. I have actually agreed to a birthday sleepover for her, too. Hope she's going to help me clean the house for it! Still haven't heard what kind of a cake I am making this year. Hint hint hint Miss Dingy. You might want to tell me soon what you're expecting from me.


Tiya said...

Ok I want a buttercup birthday cake (TX sheet cake duh!!) and I want that sleep over and if we do have a sleep over than can we still go shopping????????????:p

ddg's grandma said...

Ha,ha, you got duhed!

Mom of Dippy, Dingy & Goofy said...

I have children....I get duhed daily!

A buttercup birthday cake AND a texas sheet cake? I guess we could have one for your sleepover adn then one onyour actual birthday.

And who said we were going shopping? I said you could have a sleepover. I don't remember anything about going shopping.

ddg's grandma said...

She's a teenager, Mom, you have to go shopping. She'll need to spend her birthday money.

Tiya said...

I want butter cup to be the tx sheet cake like tx sheet cake in the shape of butter cup? And yeah mom we have to go shopping I am going to be 13!

Mom of Dippy, Dingy & Goofy said...

we're not going shopping the same weekend as the sleepover.

I don't think I can make a Texas sheet cake in the shape of buttercup. can I be a little creative? just do something I think might make you happy?