Thursday, April 2, 2009

It's All Fun and Games..

...until Mommy gets hurt. That's the rule of our house. Not until 'someone' gets hurt; until Mommy gets hurt. It's always me. And yes, I am sitting here in pain as I type this!

First, on Tuesday, Rod dumped me out of my office chair. I went right over backwards and hit my head on his briefcase on my way to the floor. (Now this was really nothing compared to LB's mishap--he still wins head injury of the year--but it still wasn't fun.) It was slightly funny. Or according to Rod "freakin' hillarious". I was at least able to laugh about it and not retaliate too badly. Yet. I did have a headache for the rest of the night and had to go to a parent meeting for Boy Scout's not feeling my best. And also where goofball Rod starts texting me while we are sitting up front and I DIDN'T turn my volume off cause Dingy was watching Goofy at home and I didn't want to miss a call if she needed something!!

Then last night--yes, we're talking two nights in a row! Rod and I were leaving the office for the night. He was turning lights off and I left. I heard him coming up behind me so I started running so I could get inside and lock him out. (I know, we're so mature over here!) Well, it had rained some yesterday. Apparently, my shoes got wet and/or a little muddy. As soon as my foot hit the concrete of the basement floor, my foot went WOOOO!! Straight up. I reached out to stop myself from falling completely and smacked my hand on the door frame. I was laughing so hard and still scrambling for the door before Rod got there. I DID manage to shut and lock the door just before he reached for it. But I was laughing so hard I could barely breathe, so I didn't get to torture him as much as I could have. Surprisingly, he didn't know what I had done. It took several long minutes to get it out through my laughter. I was only able to keep saying WOOOO and a hand gesture to show my foot. However, I pulled something in the back of my knee. I can't put weight on my leg today without it hurting!! I'm not sure it was worth it just to beat him into the house.


ddg's grandma said...

I thought one of the kids must have hurt you but no, it was just you and Dumbledork messing around. Hope your knee gets to feeling better. (This is all happening because you posted the ultrasound.)

Mom of Dippy, Dingy & Goofy said...

Thanks for caring. The kids don't normally hurt me. It's ALWAYS the 'big' kids messing around!

Melanie Welanie said...

Hmmm... Maybe you should just sit still for a while and be safe. No more injuries allowed this year!!!

Mom of Dippy, Dingy & Goofy said...

I know , right? :)
Except that i WAS sitting still when he dumped me out of my chair!