Wednesday, October 1, 2008

"That Was Yesterday"

We made our weekly trek to Staples. Dippy had his guitar lesson and asked me if I could take him to Staples after he was done. Both kids asked me for something from Staples in the past few days. (I still cannot remember what Dingy asked for.) On our way over, Dippy asked (told) me not to go to Staples without him. To which I was forced to answer, "I can't, cause I don't remember what you need!" By the time we got to the Music store, I remembered he had asked for a pencil sharpener. When I told him I remembered.....He replied, "Yeah, but that was yesterday." WHAT? Does that mean we figured out something new to need for today?

He did buy an electric pencil sharpener. And mechanical pencils. I'm sure the lady looked at us funny.


ddg's grandma said...

Are the mechanical pencils in case the sharpener quits working?

Mom of Dippy, Dingy & Goofy said...

I don't know! He makes my head hurt. A LOT!