Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Rain Day

It went from hot and sunny to VERY stormy in a matter of minutes today. It started right before Dingy got off the bus from school. She just has to cross the road from the bus stop. It was raining too hard to make Dippy walk the whole way home, so I drove down to get him. In order to get a parking spot, I have to go down about a half hour before school is out. At 3:30, when they normally start dismissing kids, no one came out. I waited another 10 minutes and a few little kids came out with their parents. His school always dismisses starting with the youngest, so I really didn't think much of it, although it seemed like not enough kids were coming out. I was watching up towards the school for Dippy when I realized there were NO school buses sitting there. Finally at about 3:45, I went up to the school to see where Dippy was. All of the kids were sitting in the cafeteria. They were not releasing walkers until after the storm unless their parents came to get them. The rain had gone to a light sprinkle by this time, although the lightning was still flashing. But here's the thing...How was I supposed to know this? We have been at this same school since 2001, and this is the first time this has happened. Normally he comes home on his own, so I was glad I was there instead of at home worrying. I do not know what time they finally released the unpicked up children, but I did see a school bus going in to the school on our way home.


Anonymous said...

Was he upset that they wouldn't let him out of school?

Mom of Dippy, Dingy & Goofy said...

No. When I got him, he said he wanted to be the last one there. He wasn't concerned at all. It was just the uninformed parents. Although, some schools were not releasing at all, regardless of if the parents were there, and other schools released normally.