Thursday, August 22, 2013

Last Trip of the Summer......Day 1

We stopped by a little beach on the way today.
Marvel's up.....
 And, Oh NO!!!
 Down he goes.
 But he doesn't stay down for long.

 Walking...yes, walking...towards Dippy.
 Of course a hill is there for the sole purpose of rolling down.

 Goofy was tackled.
 I tried to get a picture of the three little guys. I didn't.  :(
 Let's watch Widget to figure out why.

 ONE picture he looks good.  But you can tell that leg is getting ready for take off.

 And the scootching  begins....
 And continues....
 And he's gone!
 We went back to the property so Rod could take a look at the dock site....again.   Apparently, Widget didn't want to walk on the trail with us.

 That pile HAD to be climbed over.

 Rod and Marvel standing at his dock marker.