Saturday, August 24, 2013

Last Trip of the Summer...Day 3

The last day of our last trip for the summer.  Rod had to meet with some people at the new property this morning.  I packed up our room while he was gone, then we headed to the beach for some play time before driving home.  We were just hoping to make it home, or close to, before the car quit on us.  Thankfully, it made it the whole way!!  :)
 My Goofy, the fish.

 They barely played in the water.  There was sand building going on all around me, though.
 Marvel was trying to get into his snacks.  I had to keep giving those to him to keep him from eating rocks!

 Widget needed a potty break.  They have real bathrooms, but he ran for the lovely smelling part a potty.

 I think he's using the shovel to try to open that snack container.

 Widget and Rod laying on the beach.  Dippy said his Dad looked like a homeless dude.
 I don't think Widget is going to get much sun UNDER the blanket.

 Marvel is really getting this walking thing down now.

 The boat launch is across the street from the playground.  Widget just saw a truck park with an empty trailer and he was worried because they were missing their boat.  he kept saying, "Boat gone."
 And now he is unstoppable!!

 And that's Widget telling me that Marvel was "upstairs"
 And very proud of himself, I think.

 He walks like he's sneaking up on someone.  :)

 There's a buck.  (you may have to click the picture to enlarge it)  Rod scared it away before I could switch lenses for a better shot.
 And this is what happens when you let Bigfoot drive!! :)

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