Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Our Snow Day

We had our big snow of the season today.  The hyped it up on the news as the biggest snow storm since 2011.  I'm not sure if they realize that 2011 wasn't that long ago.  I'd be more impressed if they could have said an early 1900 year instead.
I looked out the boys' bedroom window this morning and saw that black spot on the top of my car.  It looks like there is no snow on part of my roof.  I momentarily panicked.  I thought someone forgot to close the sunroof and my car would have snow inside.  But it's OK.  I remembered that I don't have a sunroof.  :)
After a completely unsuccessful and disappointing day of shopping, we came home and went sled riding.  Dingy wanted to go and we took Goofy.  Dippy declined our invitation and I made Widget stay home.  He gets cold quickly.
This was only the second time Goofy has gone sled riding.  The other time he was somewhere around Widget's age. 
 He was aiming for the snowman someone had built at the bottom of the hill.  We go to the school and use their hill and snow.

 Goofy was soaked by the time we left. 

 They decided to roll down the hill.

 Dingy was falling. 
 Like Goofy's new jacket?  We just bought it Sunday for $14.  Down from $68!  He broke the zipper in his old one last week.  I wasn't going to get him a new one for this year, but couldn't pass up the price.  And possibly Widget and/or Marvel will eventually get it, too.

 Goofy went down the hill on his back, using his jacket as a sled.  Dingy needed to try it.
 She didn't go as fast as Goofy. 

1 comment:

ddg's grandma said...

She's still a little girl at heart.