Sunday, March 31, 2013

Trail Walk

 Yesterday was opening day for the Rails to Trails.  We walked 5 miles!!!  We took a trail that led us to Aunt Darla's camp.  She fed us all lunch.  :)  Above is a pic of Pa giving everyone a tour of the camp.

 This is everyone leaving the trail to head to the camp.

 Views from our walk.
 That was Aunt Darla taking a picture of the group.

 My Mommy running away from me.

 There was still ice on the trail.

 A little sign of Spring.

 Hee hee....that's a pic of my Mommy.  :)  (yes.  She was in there.)

 Deer tracks

 Ice in the ditch.
 A goose laying on its nest under the bridge where we started our walk.