Sunday, February 10, 2013

The New Puppy

Well, we finally caved and allowed Dingy to get a new puppy.  He's 11 months old.  It sounds like he had been kept in a cage almost all the time.  He also had bald spots all over, possibly from fleas or who knows what.  The lady we got him from treated him for those spots and you can't see them.  He came here Friday afternoon and has adjusted pretty well.  He likes everyone, but knows he belongs to Dingy. 
Stella's not sure she really wanted a brother. 
 There was a lot of snarling and running and yipping.

Thankfully, Stella and Gryffin (that's his name) have settled down.  They still play some, but they can also be calm in the house.
Dingy worked yesterday.  She had an extra long shift, too.  She went in at 11, but wasn't done til her normal time of 10:30.  When she left, Gryffin followed her to the door and he stayed there for at least 20 minutes.
He finally got up and started wandering around.  He was fine all day.  He had no accidents in the house and has (so far) not attempted to chew anything he is not supposed to chew.  He made friends with everyone.  He allows Widget to hug him....he's the perfect height for Widget.  While we were watching tv, he laid on the bed with us.  But as soon as Dingy came home, he really livened up and was very glad to see her. 

I'll try to get some better pictures of Gryffin this week.  Hopefully it will be nice outside and we can go out and get some outdoor pics. 

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