Sunday, December 16, 2012

Christmas Town!!!!

Yesterday we travelled down to Christmas Town!!!!!  It's at Busch Gardens in Williamsburg.  They've been doing this since 2008 (I think) but this is the first year I heard about it.  Well, Rod heard it on the radio and told me to look it up and see if we wanted to go.  We did!!  :)  We thought Widget would really like it with the way he LOVES all the lights and trees just in people's yards throughout the neighborhood.  But after leaving there last night, I think Goofy may have been the one to enjoy it the most.  I got a LOT of big smiles from him and on our way through the parking lot, he said, "this was fun.  Can we come back next year?"

 I don't remember what Rod was saying, but I think I was being yelled at!

 We loved these white trees with the white gravel.  Rod was getting lots of ideas for decorating our house next year.
 Widget loved the snowman.  When we rode the train around, it was dark out and the snowman was lit up, Widget jumped across the seat to see this!

 The penguins!  We saw these first cause we got there early, and I knew from reading on Facebook that later in the evening, it can be a 2 hour wait to get into the penguin house. 

 Widget and Goofy both rode this ride with Dippy and Rod. 
 There they go!
 Snck time!  I had taken a bunch of snacks with me so that we didn't go broke feeding the kids.  The prices at these places are always ridiculous.  But every time I turned around, Rod was in line buying new snacks!!  He bought a refillable hot chocolate mug.  Refills were only $.99.  We drank a LOT of hot chocolate.
 Goofy wanted his picture taken with this bear.
 The little elf was sawing that peppermint stick 'log'.

 They had to ride the carasoul for Widget.

 Goofy was tall enough that he as allowed to ride some of the bigger rides, too.  They tried to ride a roller coaster, but after an hour in line, the ride broke down for a while, so they gave up and we moved on to other things.

 Going UP!!!!  They changed this ride for the Christmas season.  It went up slow and came down slow instead of going up and the dropping down fast.

 I think we can tell by his smile he liked it.
 Widget rode the planes.  Because he pointed and said, "please, please, please, please."
 Then it got dark enough to start seeing the lights!!!
More pictures are coming.  I needed to break up the posts a little, so I did before dark and after dark.  The after dark are coming!! 

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