Friday, February 24, 2012

Dippy is a Weirdo

Dippy and I were standing in line to check out at Wegman's.  He says, "Mom.  Mom.  That lies."  What??  "Mom.  Mom.  I can see that!" 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A Picnic in February

Today was absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!  Lots and lots of sunshine and nice warm temperatures.  Nadine said she was taking Ryan to the park and asked if we wanted to join them.  Of course we jumped on that invite.  We packed our bologna sandwiches and headed out after school.  It was so nice, that while we were playing, all the kids took their jackets off!  I forgot to take my good camera with me, though.  My cell phone just doesn't do a good jib, but I snapped a few shots anyway.

Widget has mastered the slides now.  He climbed up to this one many times.
 We went to a park that we were never at before.  But it was AWESOME!!!  We will definitely be going back to this one many, many times this spring/summer.
 The ground is covered in pebbles.  It makes it a little hard to walk fast, though! 

Saturday, February 18, 2012

My Stuck Puppy

I think Stella needs to go on a diet.  She used to be able to zoom up under the office and run right back out.  Sara has gotten stuck a few times, but never Stella.  Until last night.  While Rod and I were trying to get last minute office things done so we could leave for PA, she got herself good and stuck!  We could hear her crying and fussing from inside the office.  She could only get her head out.  Her belly has just gotten too round.

 Goofy tried crawling under to dig her out.  He had a little sand shovel with him.
 But his little arms just weren't long enough to reach under far enough. 
Dingy finally crawled under and dug her out.  But we had 2 kids completely filthy right before a 6 hour trip.

My Dinner

We had smiley face french fries the other night.

 They ended up looking like our kids after a day at the beach!!  :)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

R is For Robot

It's the Letter R Week.  Goofy built a robot at school.  Remember the red paint on his forehead from the singing video?  This is what he was painting that day.  :)  As soon as we came inside from school, he asked, "Do you want to take a picture of it?" 

 Then he said, "Take a picture of just the robot."
 Then he asked me if I wanted him in the picture, too.  Of course we do!!! 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

I was trying to make chocolate covered strawberries today.  I had gone through the entire package of strawberries and picked out the best looking ones to use.  I washed them, and melted the chocolate.  Then, as I was dipping them, I would hear the occasional giggle.  Then he actually started saying, "Ha ha!  I took another strawberry!"  Goofy was eating strawberies when I would tun away!!! 

 I told him that if he was going to eat them, to eat the ones in the fridge that I wasn't going to use for this project.  He took the WHOLE CONTAINER!!  And can you tell by the mess all over his face that he had already asked to lick off the spoon I used to stir my chocolate?  And he ate them all!!!  Those were going to be mine!! 
 I don't know why I couldn't get a clear picture.  But here's the finished product. 

Monday, February 13, 2012

On Top of Pisketti

That red mark on his forehead is paint not a booboo.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Widget Walks the Puppy

Widget got out the leash today and decided that he needed to take Stella for a walk.

 This is how he put her leash on.
 It doesn't work so well like this.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Widget's Hat

Widget is soooo weird.  He has been wearing this 'hat' around all morning. 

I don't really mind that he wears bowls on his head, but why does he always have to pick dirty ones?  Last week he used one that had chocolate ice cream, and this one had greasy chips! 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Widget and His Puppy

Stella was supposed to be MY puppy.  When we got her, we got her for ME!  Widget stole her.  :(  This is how he was watching tv this morning. 

He was being very nice with her this morning.  Sometimes he gets a little rough, but she puts up with it because he shares about half of every meal with her.  She has probably doubled her weight since he started feeding himself!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Babysitter Part 2

Rod and I went out to dinner tonight.  (Yum)  When we came home, Dingy said her left leg was asleep.  We're not sure how long she was stuck there on the couch underneath siblings.  :)  And it was only 9:30.  Goofy is NEVER asleep that early on a non school night. 

Tough Morning

Widget had such a tough morning.  He helped me eat some ice cream, then proceeded to wear the dirty bowl as a hat!  That lead to an early morning bath.  Then he had to be carried into the Little League's Clubhouse to drop off Goofy's registration for Spring T-Ball.  Then he had to ride over to Wegman's where he was put into a cart and pushed around the store.  He HAD to have a fresh box of Cheerios.  (Last week he picked out the chocolate ones, today he tried the cinnamon burst.)  He ate those the rest of the way through the store, and of course had to have them for the ride home as well.  When we pulled into the driveway, he was out.   

Snack Time!!!

I guess Widget is learning young to take care of himself.  He had a tool and a full can of trail mix to get into.  :)

It didn't completely work.  His Mommy found him and took his tool away.  BUT, I did open the can and give him a handful, so maybe it was a success. 

Friday, February 3, 2012

The Babysitter

Rod and I went out tonight to take the computers to be repaired.....AGAIN!  It seems we're constantly taking one or more computers to be worked on.  We left the kids at home while we went.  We got home around 8:30, so we really weren't that late.  This is how we found our babysitter. 

Goofy the Over Achiever

When Goofy loses a tooth, he REALLY loses a tooth!!  Yesterday morning, I asked him how his tooth was.  He wiggled it and said it was still there.  We're pretty sure it was there when he ate lunch because he was trying to eat off to the one side.  I went to pick Dippy up at school and when I came home, Dingy told me that Goofy had lost his tooth.  I asked him where it was and that's when I found out he LOST his tooth.  He said he ate a couple of popsicles.  I think the pospsicles yesterday were like ice cream, so we think he swallowed his tooth. 

The next tooth is right there ready to take its place, too.  Goofy wrote the Tooth Fairy a letter last night that started with, "I'm sorry I ate my tooth."  :)  Our Tooth Fairy is extra good over here, too.  She came TWICE last night!!  I fell asleep before Rod went to bed.  I woke up around 2 and wrote a letter for Goofy and grabbed some cash.  When I went back up, Rod said that HE already took care of it!  I guess the male version of the Tooth Fairy is nicer than the female.  He had given $2 and I only had $1.  So we used my note and his cash. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Day Out With the Kids

Monday was a teacher work day and the kids had no school.  So we all went out to run some errands together.  We stopped at the Post Office and there was a package for Dingy.  Dippy tore off all the stamps on it and stuck them all over my car!!!  Then I angered him, so he said I didn't deserve his art work, and he ripped them all off!  Big Baby!!  :)

The Things I Find......

The things I find "hanging around" my house.  Really?  A banana hanging from the dogs choke chain?  I guess we need to think twice about allowing Dippy to stay home alone.  :)

Then.......the other night, I was trying to cook dinner, and THIS happened!! Widget LOVES playing in our food cabinet!  Not sure why the dog brush got put on there, too.