Monday, April 30, 2012

Widget the Weirdo

That Widget kid is REALLY weird!!!  The other day I found him inside his closet! 

 Then today, we took Goofy to get some T-Ball supplies.  Widget decided to wear Goofy's new helmet and carry the bat through the store.

Rainbow Cake

Dingy had asked for a rainbow cake for her birthday.  But she asked AFTER we had already placed an order for her cake.  So, just for fun, I baked one just to see if I could.  :)

Next time, I will go bigger, so each layer has a little more.  But I didn't think it was too bad for a first try. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Music and Art Show!!!!!

Today was Goofy's Music and Art Show. 

They had 'busy bags' for the little ones.  It worked to keep Rod occupied while we waited for the show to start.  He did a very nice job of staying inside the lines while coloring.

 The music part of the program.

 This is when Widget finally saw Goofy.  He got very excited.
 AND....Widget sat in his chair for almost the entire show.  I really cannot believe how good he was today.

 Waving good bye to the parents before going back to the classrooms to show off their artwork.
 Goofy's artwork......

 Their reading rainbow.  All the circles are books read by someone in the class.  They've been building this since the reading chains stopped.
 LOOK!!!!  Goofy finally has a 100 by his name!!!!  He has now officially counted to 100 by himself for the teacher!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Another Tuesday, Another T-Ball Game

Goofy had another T-Ball game tonight.  It was COLD out there, though!!! 

He's #4
 I had him all tucked in and looking good.  Then, before his first turn at bat, he was untucked!!! 
 Rod got roped in as a volunteer tonight.  I told them, "Just don't make fun of him if he yells TOUCHDOWN!!"

 Goofy got to play catcher tonight.  He always liked being catcher last year.

 Goofy kept hugging the first base coach for some reason.  :)

 At least Rod smiled a few times tonight.

Monday, April 23, 2012


OK.  We're a little out of order.  I noticed that we never posted Easter pics and we had an uneventful weekend, so I'll post them now. 

Dingy's 16th birthday cake.

 The Easter egg hunt for all the little kids.  We're going to have to go bigger next year...there'll be  3 more little ones ready to hunt!

 The awkward pic of Dippy.  I'm guessing he was bending down for an egg or candy, but it looks funny.  I'm pretty sure he didn't really fall.
 The professional egg hunter who came prepared with her own basket for the hunt!

 Goofy was dancing.
 Dingy was looking for her special egg from Aunt Darla.  Dingy had hid everyone else's egg, but I hid hers. 

 I told her it might be by where the rooster had been.  I lied.  I hid it inside in Grandma's blanket closet.  :)
 If you click this one to make it bigger, you'll see a Dippy foot on the Goofy trying to push him off the swing!!!