Thursday, November 12, 2009

Are You Kidding Me??

I think my new puppy is the HEAD!!! She definitely has an addiction problem. She LOVES water bottles. Normally, she'll wait til they are empty before she plays with them. One evening, she kept trying to take Rod's bottle while he was drinking! Everytime he would put it up to his mouth to drink, she would start chewing on the bottom!! (That was actually funny to watch) But now.....I'm afraid she crossed a line. Look at this!!

FIVE BRAND NEW WATER BOTTLES!!! FIVE!!! The two without lids...she took them off.
She chewed them through the plastic wrap out of a new case!!!! You can see on the top row, the middle two lids are chewed. The one she's actually drinking out of is missing a lid and the other corner is too!

We have TWO water bowls sitting out that are constantly full for the dogs!!

1 comment:

ddg's grandma said...

Guess she's in the right family! Strange things are always happening in your house.