Saturday, February 28, 2009
Another Dippy?
Friday, February 27, 2009
Missed Birthday
Please Explain....
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Dingy's Birthday
Random Pictures
This is Goofy's favorite picture. He gets very excited when he sees it and re-poses for it.
And I couldn't leave out a picture of Mom and Dad!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Safety Patrol Badge
He had to memorize the pledge to earn it. It doesn't sound like a huge deal to learn the pledge, but the same time he was learning that pledge, he was also having to learn the Boy Scout Oath and Promise, too. I don't know how he managed to keep it all separate. I was getting confused helping him practice them all!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Rod and My Camera
What the heck? When he got back in the car I asked him if he got good pictures and he even said, yeah, I even got a picture of my finger and the ground. So he KNEW he took these. Does he know there's a delete button? (OK. I really DON'T want him using the delete. He pushed it once and then clicked OK to delete ALL! ) And he wonders why I'm always the one carrying the camera on family trips!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Relay For Life
They had the spaghetti dinner and pep rally Friday night. They asked each team to make a centerpiece that they will use for the survivor's dinner in May. The theme this year is the 25th birthday of the relay. We all got together and created this masterpiece.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
My Constant Source of Entertainment
Last night, Dingy and I went to a pep rally thing for the Relay For Life. On the way home, we stopped at Burger King. Dingy ordered a Whopper Jr meal. We sat down and she opened her sandwich and started taking toppings off. I asked her what she was taking off. My thought was, next time she orders one, we'll order it minus whatever it was that is in that pile. So I ask, "What are you taking off?" She answers, "The stuff I don't like." Are you kidding me? The stuff I don't like? Really? Glad to hear you're not taking off what you DO like and leaving the crap! I ask her again what she's taking off and she still tells me, in that disgusted tone of hers that says I already answered you, The stuff I don't like! OK. So I tell her why I was asking and inform her that if I try ordering a Whopper jr minus "the stuff I don't like" the workers may have no clue what to do! (She never did tell me what she took off either! Knowing her it was the meat!)
Then tonight, we went to see Coraline. I was going to go to Wendy's for their fish sandwich, but Dingy asked to go to Chik-fil-et. SHE asked to go there. So we did. On the way over, she asked, "Wait. What do they have there?" Ummm...CHICKEN!! They got chicken, Dingy! It's in the name!
That instantly made me think of this clip. Wait for the KFC part. Then for extra fun, right around the 5 minute mark, watch the lady in blue in the front row. How do you miss your hands when you're clapping??
Friday, February 20, 2009
Oh, Heck Yeah!!
It suddenly dawned on me how sad my life must be that this free apple pie might just be the highlight of my week!
(And, yes, I know today is Tucker's birthday and that I haven't posted anything for him yet. I need to find a couple of pictures and then there will be something up for him.)
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
"Video Winners!!
Congratulations to everyone that sent in videos this year. There were many great videos and the top 14 below were the best as decided on by the district popcorn kernels.
$1,000 TOP VIDEO
Pack 1114 George Mason District
Each of these packs will get $500
Pack 961 Goose Creek District
Pack 1815 Appalachian Trail District
Troop 1636 Catoctin Mountain District
Each of these units will get $250
Pack 962 Goose Creek District
Pack 492
Pack 1346 Patriot District
Pack 455 Bull Run District
Pack 1965 Patriot District
Pack 1450
Pack 680 Colonial District
Pack 1365 Occoquan District
Pack 913 Powhatan District
Pack 964 Occoquan District
Did you see us??? We're Pack 964!! We just won $250!!!
I'll try to find some pictures from when the sale was over. We ended up with 8 or 9 boys that got to throw pies. We had to go to the den leaders and ask for more 'targets'. I think we ended up with 5 adult leaders from the pack who had pies thrown at them. Yes, Dippy was one of the boys who got to throw. He threw at one of the leaders that went to Goshen with him. That leader said he didn't want any Webelos, and I told him too bad, he tripped my kid on the hike!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Blue and Gold Banquet Tomorrow
Last year, Dippy decided to make a cake that went with the theme of the Blue and Gold instead. Last year's theme was Chinese New Year. So we attempted a Chinese dragon. He did an awesome job making scales out of rolled fondant. I really didn't do much to help him last year. I did make an extra trip, or three, to Michael's for supplies, but that was about it. He won Judge's Favorite for his work, too! I tried to find a picture of it to post here, but I can't find it. I'll keep looking and might have it a little later.
This year, I talked him into doing his original idea from last year. This is our last year to do this. Tomorrow he bridges up to Boy Scouts. I thought his idea last year, that he discarded, was great. He was going to make the uniform shirt.
He wouldn't even let me help! All I did was put the pan in the oven and take it out of the oven. He mixed the cake (Well, it's really brownies cause that's what he wanted.), he made the frosting, and he made ALL of the decorations! I was allowed to help a little with ideas for what would work for buttons and patches, but I didn't do anything. It came out pretty good, too, I think.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Movie Night
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Happy Birthday Haley!!